Hey! I’m Maria.
I’m a trauma-informed storytelling trainer.
But it’s been a windy road to get here.
My journey began as a health educator in a small Ghanaian village with the U.S. Peace Corps. With a newly minted journalism degree to my name, I approached teaching health through what I did best—telling stories.
It worked.
I joined the Peace Corps in hopes of launching a writing career. I came home with a passion for service. I struggled deeply with writing stories about vulnerable and marginalized communities or making changes happen on the ground.
I snagged a nonprofit communications position and found home.
For years, I fumbled through the nonprofit marketing world.
I felt overwhelmed and in way over my head. I was often burned out and always thought that I didn't belong or deserve to be in the nonprofit marketing space.
Let me tell you, I took that energy and spent it taking advantage of every nonprofit marketing webinar, conference, workshop, and training I could get my hands on. I earned a Master's in Public Administration and was hell-bent on building a successful career in nonprofit marketing.